
This wipe’s donors: Crylight, rh0d1phy, Biohazard and Mrbigtoes.

Why Donate?

Hosting the server costs us real money. There are charges such as Electricity Bill, Internet bill, Charges for static IP, cooling solutions etc. We also have to invest a lot of time to administrate the server, from both a technical and in-game standpoint. Not too long ago, the server used to shut down at night to make money. It was the players’ donation, which made it possible to keep this server online for 24×7. If you enjoy playing on the server, please consider making a donation if possible. Oh, and by the way, the donors get in-game items as gifts. It’s our approach to say “thank” you for donating.

How to Claim Perks?

Once you have donated a server administrator will process your donation and authorize you to a kit. Once authorized you’ll be informed via discord or game chat. Then in the chat, you need to enter “/kit” and from there you can claim your gift.

How to Donate?

The donation instructions are explained in our Discord server, in the #donate channel.


Any amount of donations are welcome. For simplicity, we have created some donation perks to make it easier for giving gifts.

Expansion Packs 

We have received several donations which are more than ₹100. In order to adjust the extra amount, we have brought some expansion packs that the higher level donors can choose. Someone needs to be at least Level 1 Donor in order to buy expansion packs.

More Expansion packs are coming soon

Start playing today! An awesome Rust community is waiting for you!